If you have a concussion and are looking for support and resources, contact Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association at info@fvbia.org
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is an injury to the brain, which can be caused by a sudden acceleration to the head and neck. The WHO diagnostic criteria for a concussion states a jolt or direct hit to the head with one or more of the following symptoms; Amnesia lasting 24 hours or less, loss of consciousness for 30 minutes or less, Glasgow coma scale (13- 15/15) or dazed and confused (at the time of the injury). Symptoms can appear immediately or in some cases, days following the initial injury.
Concussions can occur from various activities including falls, sports, motor vehicle collisions or being struck by an object.
The majority of individuals that sustain a concussion begin to feel better and have symptoms alleviate within a few days to weeks. There are however, a small percentage of the population whose symptoms can persist for months or longer. This is called Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS).
Possible Concussion Symptoms

FVBIA Concussion Services
FVBIA offers information, resources, education and support for people who have had a concussion. Services are short-term and do not guarantee access to a broader range of services in the organization.
Guidelines for FVBIA’s Concussion Program
- Participants must not be eligible for Fraser Health’s Concussion Clinic.
- Must be at least 6 months after injury if over the age of 18
- Provides short-term concussion education, resources and support
Please note: Participation in the Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association’s Concussion program does not constitute eligibility for any other programs offered by Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association. Eligibility criteria for accessing other FVBIA services can be found on the Eligibility and Criteria page.
Learn More About Concussions
Sports and Concussions Guide