We offer a variety of programs for our clients and their families. Contact info@fvbia.org for more details.
FVBIA is unable to offer 1:1 support in group programs. If you require 1:1 support, please bring someone with you.
Drop-In & Leisure
Drop-In & Leisure Programs are available in Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Hope. These programs offer a social place for people with acquired brain injuries (ABI) and their families to provide mutual support and education. Please contact the program you are interested in for information on hours, activities and upcoming events.
Hope FVBIA Leisure Program 366A Wallace St., Hope, BC 604-869-9494
Abbotsford Drop-In (Communitas Supportive Care Services) #103 - 2776 Bourquin Cres. W., Abbotsford, BC 604-850-6608
Chilliwack Drop In (Communitas Supportive Care Services) Presbyterian Church 4585 Wellington St., Chilliwack, BC 604-792-6266

Fraser Valley Brain Injury offers Young at Arts Summer Camp(s) for children affected by ABI.
Children who have an acquired brain injuries, siblings and children who have a parent(s) with ABI join together in fun-filled activities focused on art and nature.

Health & Wellness
A healthy lifestyle is essential for promoting brain health and physical/emotional recovery after acquired brain injury.
FVBIA offers a variety of activities that focus on nutrition, fitness and emotional wellness.
These may include art, photography, gentle yoga, walking/fitness, support/education groups etc.

Education & Networking
Education & Networking groups are offered in Langley, Abbotsford and Chilliwack.
The groups focus on sharing, developing skill and learning to function as well as possible with the cognitive and emotional challenges of ABI.